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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Beam Puzzle

The game is highly addictive!!!. Beam Puzzle is a clever puzzle game that requires some different thinking. Each number shows the beam power in count of fields which the laser source can beam. The goal is 1) to beam all blank fields with laser and 2) to use all beam powers.
Highly addictive and funny. If you like puzzle games, you will love Beam Puzzle. Download and see it yourself! 



Choose Your Color

We worked hard to bring you the best color product which is directed to graphic and web designers but not only.
Every shopping-lover will be amazed how useful it is to combine a color of your new dress with high heels.
Discover your color preferences with CHOOSE YOUR COLOR and create your own perfect color palettes!

CHOOSE YOUR COLOR APPLICATION is a professional color-selection application that will help you build beautiful color picks easily and quickly using the RGB color model.

Name a Color, Create a Palette, Collect Patterns!

Was never so easy before! Try it NOW!
What's new in Version 1.1
bug fix , Thanks a lot for all downloads and feedback!